Alatau Mountains, Tuyuk Su Gorge, Almaty (Kazakhstan)
29 August – 4 September, 2019
The Almaty International Rock Climbing Festival, supported by the Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, celebrates its fourth edition this year with around 1,200 climbers expected to participate.
The festival is held in the Alatau mountain range in Tuyuk Su Gorge with its granit rocks and highest peak of 4780m. The venue is some 15km from the center of Almaty making access convenient for visitors. The rock climbing festival will be held at 2350m and features a number of different climbing routes 5a-7c, which are suited to climbers of differing abilities.
First held in 2015, the Festival is a celebration of mountaineering and climbing within Almaty and Kazakhstan but also of cultural exchange. The programme features activities such a rock climbing, sky running and an ascent to the Molodezhniy peak at 4120m. As participants come from across the globe there is a real mix of cultures and experiences to be enjoyed and shared, with musicians from each country attending as well.

The deadline for registrations is 1 August 2019. However, exceptions will be made to register on the day of the festival. Registrations can be made via email. Please address any questions related to pricing and visas to mailto:info@kantengri.lz
Around 1,200 participants are expected to attend, not just from Kazakhstan but also from across the globe. The event has proven popular with climbers from Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Iran, Nepal, Mongolia, the UK, Spain, Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia and many more. Around 60% of participants are advanced climbers, with the remaining 40% of intermediate ability.

There will be a number of workshops held throughout the festival, focusing on issues such as mountain protection, involving both international and local specialists. A highlight of the festival is its cultural exchange. Therefore, there will be a musician from each country who will perform each evening.
Following the UIAA Strategic Plan 2017-2020 and in accordance with UIAA values, the Organisers hope the festival will contribute to the sustainable development of rock climbing in Kazakhstan and the Asian continent. The issue of mountain protection has and remains of upmost importance to the festival. Meals for youth participants will be organised at the Alpine refuge ‘Tuyuk Su’ at 2350m.
The Almaty International Rock Climbing Festival is sponsored by JSC “DAMU” Entrepreneurship Development Fund, Capital Partners Ltd, Astana Foundation, IMC Kan Tengri Ltd., Alpine Service Ltd.