APPLICATION OPEN FOR 2019 BMC International Summer Climbing Meet

Featured, Membership, Mountaineering

The 2019 BMC International Summer Climbing Meet will be located at Ynys Ettws, the Climber’s Club Hut in Llanberis Pass, North Wales. It will be held from 12-19 May.

Your federation is invited to nominate two (one female and one male) experienced traditional climbers from your country. Preference will be given to climbers who have not attended a BMC International Meet before.

Please note that if the meet is oversubscribed, places will be reduced to one per country.

Please complete the online application form by Friday 1 February. Form

Becky McGovern, BMC, will email all applying federations by 11 February to inform them of the outcome.  Please do not make any bookings (flights, trains etc) until you have had confirmation from the BMC.

The BMC International Meets are truly memorable events and we hope your federation will be able to take part.

For additional information on the meet and the BMC please visit


Connect with international friends, climb with like-minded people, go wild over Welsh trad: the BMC International Meet 2019 is returning to North Wales.

BMC International Meets are week-long gatherings of climbers from all over the world. The aim is to showcase the uniqueness of British climbing and connect climbers from across the globe.

During the week, approximately 25 international climbers from all over the world will be teamed up with UK climbers to experience the delights of Welsh trad climbing. Past meets have attracted climbers from Europe, Japan, South Africa, India, Pakistan, China, Canada, America, Israel, New Zealand and Iran.


  • Each day an international guest will be paired with a host climber to go out climbing.
  • Partnerships will change every few days so that you get to climb with different people.
  • There will be several evening presentations throughout the week by the UK & international climbers.
  • On Saturday 18 May there will be a final party with DJ to celebrate the week.

Photo: Dave Rudkin