The following letter to its members was published by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) on 7 April. The original article can be found here.

Dear Respected Members, 

As the pandemic of Corona Virus rages on unabated, I take this opportunity to wish you and your  families, good health and well being!

These are unprecedented times for our Nation and Countrymen, indeed for the human race  the world over. As we fight this deadly  onslaught on humanity, we have no option but to come out victorious. To my mind,  ‘ Social distancing ‘ or should I say ‘ Social abstinence ‘ is key need of the hour and would be our best contribution as Citizens, to the ongoing National effort to combat Covid-19.

These are also very challenging times for the IMF. As you are well aware,  all our activities, have come to a standstill. We have  had to  cancel some pre-planned  mega events  of the Foundation and postpone others, including our training activities, indefinitely. As of now, all Foreign Expeditions to India stand cancelled. Indian Expeditions too are  in a deep freeze. Nevertheless, we are using this time gainfully for resolving  some of our ongoing administrative issues, planning for the future and hopefully execution at a later stage, as and when it becomes feasible for us to undertake our mandated activities. 

As things stand today, unless  there is a drastic improvement in the present scenario,  it is unlikely that we will be able to resume our activities, anytime in the near future. In this context, I would request you  all to read ” IMF Mountaineering and Mountain Outdoor Activities Advisory 2020 “, which had been  shared with  all our members and is also posted on our Website.

I will also implore all our Committee Chairmen/ Chairperson, to gainfully  utilise  this time to interact with their respective Committee Members, using a multitude of existing social media  tools available, such as Skype/Chorus/ Houseparty/ Zoom/ Whattsapp/ Uber Conference etc to prepare/plan/work/execute/ coordinate their respective Committee tasks,  wherever and in whatever form and way, to the extent feasible ! 

I would  also like to place on record the concerted effort being put in at this hour, by our Hony Secretary, Director and our entire IMF STAFF, in keeping the IMF functioning and alive, while  working from  their respective homes. Under the existing circumstances, they are working to the best of their ability, as presently the IMF complex is closed. For them too, it is a  ‘ first ‘ such experience ! 

 I would also like to thank our GC Members and  Hony  Treasurer, for their  deep concern, unconditional support and constant inputs, in wake of the present situation. 

 I am also grateful to all our  Esteemed Members, for your intrinsic support, which gives us the strength to look ahead with optimism. It will  be our endeavour to do whatever is pragmatic and feasible by IMF at this juncture. Incase you have any suggestions  in this regard, please do share with us !

I would  also like to make a Special Mention of Dr Anil  Gurtoo, our IMF Member, who is playing a key role and along with other Corona Warriors of the Nation, is in the forefront of fighting this pandemic. 

Lastly, I would request  all of you to Stay Safe and Take Care ! I will further  request our Senior Members to be  ‘extra’ careful !!!

 I will  end by sharing this quote of Charles Darwin, which I feel is very relevant to the current times :- 

“It is not the strongest of the species which survives nor the most responsive, but the one the most responsive to change ” 

Regards and Best Wishes,
Brigadier  Ashok Abbey, AVSM