The months of May and June are traditionally busy with UIAA Commission meetings. Despite the restrictions placed on travel during Covid-19, the UIAA has been able to host a number of important online meetings throughout the past six weeks. In fact many Commissions and groups have met more frequently and with more members present. Proof that the dedication of the volunteers working within UIAA Commissions is as strong as ever.
On the weekend of 30-31 May, the UIAA Access Working Group (WG) met. Last year Access became closely integrated into the UIAA Mountaineering Commission (MountCom). Developing a workflow and a close relationship with MountCom was one of the main subjects of the latest meeting. Led by President Juan Jesús Ibañez Martin (Spain), the Access WG counts members from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Chinese Taipei, Belgium, Hungary and Portugal. It is one of the groups in the UIAA with closest ties to South America, a continent where access to mountain areas is always a contentious topic at governmental level.
The WG also discussed the impact of Covid-19 on access, highlighting a desire to help members ensure a return to status quo is possible and whenever it is safe to do so. The WG agreed to focus closely on member relations. By improving the sharing of access-related information as a priority, the WG will help distribute information related to access regulations and defend the interests of UIAA members related to access.
To discover more about the UIAA and Access please click here.
To discover more about Access during Covid-19 please click here.