This Alpine Summer Skills Handbook was first published in 2013 and is intended for hikers, climbers and mountaineers who wish to progress in the practice of their favourite activity by acquiring additional knowledge and skills. The Handbook is the result of close collaboration between the UIAA, the Petzl Foundation and the Alpine Club of Canada.
A new and third edition of the Handbook was recently released in English. Print copies can be now ordered by UIAA member associations (UPDATE: This option is no longer available, please refer to the dedicated website page for further information). Pricing options are detailed on the form, please note that there is a minimum quantity of 22 books per order.
A digital version will be released in due course. Previous editions of the Handbook are available in different languages (see below) having been translated in partnership with UIAA member associations worldwide.
How to order a copy
- The opportunity to order print copies of the latest version in English is exclusively for UIAA member associations. Any individual wishing to purchase a copy should contact their closest UIAA member association. See a full list of UIAA members here.
- UIAA member associations can order print copies of the English language version using the following form.
- Details on how to access the latest English language digital version will be communicated shortly
- Previous versions of the Handbook (v1 or v2) are available in the following languages and from the UIAA member association indicated:
- Albanian (Albanian Mountaineering Federation)
- Chinese (Chinese Taipei Mountaineering Association)
- Czech (Czech Mountaineering Association)
- French (Alpine Club of Canada, FFCAM)
- Japanese (Japan Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Association)
- Korean (Korean Alpine Federation)
- Mongolian (Mongolian National Climbing Federation)
- Romanian (Romanian Alpine Club)
- Serbian (Mountaineering Association of Serbia)
- Turkish (Turkish Mountaineering Federation)
- Translations are in progress in the following languages: Arabic, Greek, Indonesian, Iranian (Farsi), Lithuanian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian
What is in the Handbook?
The Handbook’s seven modules focus primarily on summer activities: Basic Knowledge, Alpine Hiking, Climbing and Alpinism. Its goal is to put forth proven techniques that should be learned and mastered through proper technical training as provided by an instructor.
Chapters and subjects include: Meteorology, Orientation, Navigation, Group Management, Decision-Making, Adapting to the Environment, Rescue, Alpine Hiking, Equipment, Belaying, Multi-Pitch Route, Rappelling, Snow and Ice and Crevasses.
A few pages from the Handbook can be viewed below.
A selection of articles from the Handbook will shortly be serialised on the UIAA social media channels. Please follow the UIAA Instagram and Facebook channels to view this content.
A winter version of the Handbook is currently in development.