André von Rotz officially commences UIAA CEO role

Featured, Membership, UIAA
André von Rotz (microphone) & UIAA Office staff at the 2024 UIAA General Assembly. Credit: UIAA/Amelie Stettbacher

As of 1 February, a new era began at the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – as André von Rotz officially began his tenure as UIAA Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Throughout the past few weeks and months, André has had the opportunity to immerse himself in many aspects of the UIAA’s activities including attending the UIAA General Assembly in November. He has also benefitted from an extensive handover period led by outgoing CEO Nils Glatthard.

“The past few months have enabled me to gain an even closer appreciation for the scale and scope of the UIAA’s activities, the challenges which lie ahead and the immediate priorities. I am very excited to now officially be able to begin in the role. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Executive Committee (EC) once again for the trust they have placed in me, including Francoise Jaquet and Lode Beckers, who have left but were involved in the application process. A big – thank you – also to the entire office team who answered my questions about the UIAA with endless patience at all times of the day and gave me overall a very warm welcome. Last but not least, I would like to thank Nils for his outstanding work over the last few years and the consistently open and honest discussions during the handover meetings. He has left a very large footprint which will now need to be filled in the coming weeks and months. However, together with the office staff, the EC and Management Board (MB) as well as all member federations, I am convinced that we will master this feat.”
André von Rotz

One of Nils Glatthard’s final engagements as UIAA CEO was at the UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. There his son, Yannick, worked as one of the routesetters. Credit: UIAA/Kaspar Kellerhals

Nils Glatthard leaves the UIAA after nearly eight years of service in which he has overseen the federation’s delivery of a number of major projects notably in the fields of mountain safety and mountain protection, the continued growth of the UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour, the challenges of the Covid-19 period, and a period of great stability notably at an Office level.

“I would like to thank everyone for their support, friendship and collaboration over the past eight years. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as the UIAA CEO and I wish André all the best in helping the UIAA develop and grow further. I would particularly like to thank all Executive Committee and Management Board members, Commission Presidents, athletes and officials and my team at the UIAA Office in Bern and beyond.”
Nils Glatthard

Further details on André’s appointment and his background can be found here.