Book tribute for Stefano Tirinzoni to be held in Sondrio, Italy


The Italian Alpine Club (CAI) and Bombardieri Foundation are jointly holding a book launch on 3 October 2014 dedicated to climber and environmentalist Stefano Tirinzoni, a founding member of the UIAA Access and Conservation Commission.

The event for the book Stefano Tirinzoni: une vita per la montagne e per l’ambiente is being held in Sondrio, Italy and is open to all of Tirinzoni’s friends said UIAA Management Committee member Lucia Foppoli.

“The Bombardieri Foundation, of which he was President from 1998 to April 29, 2011, and the Valtellinese Section of the Italian Alpine Club, which also he presided over for many years have published the book to remember the multifaceted figure that Stefano Tirinzoni was,” said Foppoli.

Tirinzoni who died in 2011, aged 62-years-old worked with the Italian Alpine Club, holding different positions and was a member of its board and Central Council.

Foppoli said the book captures Tirinzoni’s wide-ranging and valuable work as a volunteer for the Foundation, for the local and Central CAI, for the UIAA with the launch of the Access and Conservation Commission, and afterwards with the UIAA Management Committee. He also 

A committed environmentalist, Tirinzoni also sat on the board of the Stelvio National Park, the Orobie Valtellinesi Park Mangement Committee, FAI (the Italian Environmental Fund) and the Sondrio Lions Club. 

Robert Pettigrew, former president of the UIAA Access and Conservation Commission had this to say about Tirinzoni:

“Together with his good friend Joerg Eberlain, then president of the DAV Environment Commission, Stefano became the inspirer and advocate of the mainstream work of the Commission. Perhaps his principal triumph was “Argeo’s Charter” which set out the principles and practice of how the mainstream international mountaineering community could assist “third world” mountaineering communities to raise and maintain their standard of living.

“Added to his passionate concern for the welfare of the hill peoples of remote communities was his dedication to the work of the UIAA, the application of his professional skills as a leading architect, and his technical skill as a mountaineer. In ten years he never missed a meeting of the Access and Conservation Commission, and his contribution to its work was immense.”

For more information about the event please contact the