International Youth Adventure Camp (Cyprus)
The Third International Mountain Youth Camp of the Cyprus Mountaineering, Climbing and Orienteering Federation, C.M.C.O.F will take place between 15 and 20 July, at the mountain hut of the new...
The Third International Mountain Youth Camp of the Cyprus Mountaineering, Climbing and Orienteering Federation, C.M.C.O.F will take place between 15 and 20 July, at the mountain hut of the new...
A UIAA is sharing details of a summer camp taking place in Chalet de la Haute-Joux, Cerniebaud, France from 15-20 July. The camp is being organise by Erasmus+, EUSALP (EU...
The 2024 Summer World Congress of Mountain & Wilderness Medicine is organised by the International Society and Mountain Medicine and the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) and will be held from 28 July to 1 August in Snowbird, Sandy, Utah, United States of America.The UIAA Medical Commission will make its own presentation on 1 August.For further...
The UIAA Executive Committee will host its an online meeting on Tuesday 27 August. For further details please contact the UIAA Office.
The UIAA Management Board will host its third meeting of 2024 on Saturday 7 September. The meeting will be held online. For further details please contact the UIAA Office.
A UIAA youth camp will be held in Chamonix, France from 8-18 September. The event is organised by the Romanian Alpine Club. The main purpose of the camp is to...
The UIAA will host two member federation online meetings in 2024. These meetings are designed to provide members with an informal update about UIAA activities and provide an opportunity to members to raise topics and questions. The agenda for the 28 September meeting can be found here. A report from the event is now available...
The UIAA Ice Climbing Governing Group and the UIAA Youth Commission have come together to put on a beginner ice climbing and drytooling camp to be held in Brno, Czech...
The UIAA Executive Committee will host its an online meeting on Tuesday 29 October. For further details please contact the UIAA Office.
The 2024 UIAA General Assembly takes place from 8-9 November in Malta. The event will be hosted by the Malta Climbing Club. The annual UIAA General Assembly is the largest, and most important, gathering of UIAA member federations, commissions, representatives and partners. At the General Assembly, hosted by a national federation, key decisions are made...
The UIAA Executive Committee will host its an online meeting on Tuesday 10 December. For further details please contact the UIAA Office.
Celebrated on 11 December annually, the United Nations' International Mountain Day is an international observance day whose goal is to raise awareness about the role that mountainous regions play in the lives of people and their importance to our planet. The theme of the 2024 event is: Mountain solutions for a sustainable future – innovation,...