Dates for UIAA Ice climbing world tour finalized


Athletes taking part in the 2013 UIAA Ice Climbing world tour are reminded that the dates for the competitions have been finalized.

The 2013 tour dates are:

  • Cheongsong, South Korea (12 – 13 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed) & World Championship (Lead)
  • Saas-Fee, Switzerland (18 – 19 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
  • Rabenstein, Italy (26 – 27 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
  • Busteni, Romania (7 – 9 February, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
  • Kirov, Russia (8 – 10 March, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed) & World Championship (Speed)

In addition to the usual tour, a new event, the UIAA Ice Climbing World Youth Championship will be held in Saas Grund, Switzerland 12 – 13 January, 2013 simultaneously with the Cheongsong competition.

Registrations for athletes open on 1 December 2012.

For more information contact