Athletes taking part in the 2013 UIAA Ice Climbing world tour are reminded that the dates for the competitions have been finalized.
The 2013 tour dates are:
- Cheongsong, South Korea (12 – 13 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed) & World Championship (Lead)
- Saas-Fee, Switzerland (18 – 19 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
- Rabenstein, Italy (26 – 27 January, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
- Busteni, Romania (7 – 9 February, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed)
- Kirov, Russia (8 – 10 March, 2013): UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup (Lead and Speed) & World Championship (Speed)
In addition to the usual tour, a new event, the UIAA Ice Climbing World Youth Championship will be held in Saas Grund, Switzerland 12 – 13 January, 2013 simultaneously with the Cheongsong competition.
Registrations for athletes open on 1 December 2012.
For more information contact