Position Statement: UIAA addresses Electromagnetic Interference in Avalanche Transceivers

Featured, Japan, Safety, Statements

The International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) is issuing a comprehensive position statement regarding the critical issue of electromagnetic interference (EMI) with avalanche transceivers. This is based on overwhelming and compelling evidence which has been submitted to the UIAA. In alignment with its core objective of advancing the cause of safe mountaineering practices, the UIAA is diligently aggregating a repository of all previously published documents on this subject matter. Furthermore, the organisation remains fully abreast of the latest research endeavours in this field through diligent work by corresponding experts, member federations, and manufacturers.

The UIAA has undertaken a comprehensive consultation process, incorporating presentations from multiple reputable organisations, federations, and leading experts. In addition, the UIAA’s approach has integrated valuable insights and feedback from all avalanche transceiver manufacturers participating in the UIAA’s active working groups, including an investigation on electromagnetic interference (EMI) as part of a further evaluation on a proposal for baseline standardisation of avalanche transceivers.

In keeping with the UIAA’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the safety of mountaineers, the federation is currently adopting a judiciously cautious yet efficacious approach. This approach is guided by a deliberate strategy that refrains from definitive conclusions until the ongoing research attains full fruition. A comprehensive and meticulous review of the current literature available and the current research notwithstanding will be conducted in due course.

The UIAA remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring the welfare and safety of mountaineers worldwide. The UIAA is dedicated to keeping the mountaineering community informed and updated as this vital process evolves.

Please refer to dedicated recommendation papers in the following languages:
ChineseChinese & English combined

For further information and media enquiries, please contact the leader of the working group:
James Marc Beverly