UIAA Management Board

About the Management Board

The Management Board (formerly Committee) came into being with the Articles of Association on 1 January, 2008. Its functions are described in the current Articles of Association.
The Management Board is responsible for implementing all the policy directives and decisions made by the General Assembly. This includes preparing the agenda for the General Assembly and the preparation of the annual accounts.
The Management Board also makes recommendations to the General Assembly about long-term strategies for the UIAA, rules and regulations that are voted on by the General Assembly. This includes the admission of new members, the creation and dissolution and the tasks of Commissions, the appointments of a President of each Commission upon recommendation of the Commission itself, recommendations for any proposed changes to these Articles of Association, recommendations on the terms and conditions of contracts to be concluded with third parties, membership issue and to decide the official means of information of the UIAA.
Members are elected for a four-year period and consist of the Executive Committee, representatives from the five largest member associations, one representative from each continent and three to five representatives elected by the General Assembly. They make recommendations to the General Assembly on matters such as budget and admission/expulsion of member associations. In addition, the Management Board creates projects, oversees the work of commissions, assigns responsibilities and has the power to dissolve commissions.

Management Board Members

As confirmed by the UIAA General Assembly (November, 2024)



Please visit the Executive Committee page for more information about the EC

Peter Muir



Martin Lascano

Vice President


Amit Chowdhury

General Secretary


Yolanda de Both



Simon Alden



Saray Khumalo



Yongfeng Wang



Peter Muir


Alpine Club of Canada


On 24 October 2020, Peter Muir became the new President of the UIAA. Muir, elected during the federation’s first ever online General Assembly, is the UIAA’s 14th President (including two Acting Presidents) and the second from Canada. Muir was re-elected for his second and final term at the 2024 UIAA GA in Malta.

Peter’s association with the UIAA began in 2014 from when he sat on the Management Committee eventually becoming Continental Representative for North America. He became part of the EB in 2018, initially as General Secretary and then as Treasurer prior to his election as President.

His association with the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) stretches back to 1986 when he joined his local section in Manitoba. A member of the ACC’s national executive committee from 1996 to 2016, Peter held in succession the positions of co Vice–President Activities, Vice-President Access and Environment, Secretary and President.

In his professional career, based in Winnipeg, Canada Peter has practiced law for over thirty years mostly as a commercial lawyer.

Outdoors, as well as his work as a soccer coach, he enjoys traditional rock climbing, backcountry, resort and cross-country skiing, mountaineering, hiking and biking. Peter has received a number of climbing related awards including the Order of the Buffalo-Hut Mantioba in 1992 for the first ascent of Mount Manitoba and in 2015 the AAC’s Wheeler Legacy Award, the highest honour given by the club to its members for outstanding and varied contributions over the years.

Largest Federation Repesentatives

Davide Avagnina


Josef Klenner


Juan Jesus Ibañez Martin


Davide Avagnina

Italian Alpine Club


Davide Avagnina was elected onto the UIAA Executive Committee at the General Assembly in Trabzon in 2023.

An engineer in his professional life, his relationship with the Italian Alpine Club (CAI), a founder member of the UIAA, dates back to 1999. During that time he has held a number of positions for his local branch in Mondovi, the regional branch in Piedmont and for central CAI itself. This includes Head of the Youth Mountaineering Commission, Head of the Mountain Bike Commission, Section President, Section Board Member, Secretary and Treasurer of his local branch and as of 2023, Councilor of the Italian Alpine Club with a focus on avalanche services and international relationships.

He practices a wide range of mountain sports from alpine running to ski mountaineering, mountain biking to mountaineering.

Continental Representatives

Jean Miczka


Paul Cartensen


Phil Powers


Stuart Gray


Willy Montenegro


Young Hoon Oh


Jean Miczka

FFCAM (France)


Jean Miczka was elected to the UIAA’s Management Board in 2020 where he represents the Fédération Française des clubs alpins de Montagne (FFCAM) for whom he is Vice President. He was re-elected to the MB in 2024 as Continental Representative for Europe.

Jean has a keen interest in youth participation, environmental protection and sustainability. In 2020, he participated in the The Cross Border Mountain Trip, a multi-dimensional project which focused on human issues affecting local people and cultures, academic research highlighting borders’ issues, as well as a skiing, mountaineering and trekking trip from France to Pakistan.

Jean has Master’s Degrees in both Political Science and International Relations and International European Law. He is currently studying for a PhD at Lausanne University.

Representative Members

Joachim Driessen


Andrew Syme


Eimir McSwiggan


Nima Nuru Sherpa


Stein Tronstad


Joachim Driessen

Royal Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Club (NKBV)


Joachim Driessen has sat on the UIAA Management Board since 2017. He brings a wealth of management experience in the international sport sector having served as the President of the Royal Dutch Climbing & Mountaineering Club (NKBV), one of the largest and most active UIAA member associations, for nearly ten years,

Joachim also is a member of the Dutch Olympic Committee and sat on the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Broadcasting Company VARA between 2010-2013.

He was the co-founder of Blink Media, an innovative educational and magazine publisher and runs his own advisory practice Acletta Management.

Having studied business economics at the University of Amsterdam, Joachim obtained an MBA in Leadership and Sustainability from the University of Cumbria

Unit Member


Silvio Calvi


Silvio Calvi

International Skyrunning Federation


An engineer and architect by profession, Silvio Calvi is the MB representative for the International Skyrunning Federation (ISF), a UIAA Unit Member.

Silvio has a wealth of experience particularly in the governance of climbing and mountaineering organisations. He served as President of the Bergamo section for the Italian Alpine Club (CAI), a UIAA founder member, and was later chairman of CAI’s Central Committee at a key juncture for the federation, the reform of its internal AoAs (2001-2007). This was a role that made Silvio a valuable member, and chairman, of a UIAA Working Group focusing on the change of its own statutes from 2007-2008.

Silvio has supported the ISF as an advisor since its creation in 2008, has been its Vice President since 2015 and has played an instrumental role in the ISF becoming a Unit Member of the UIAA and in the successful collaboration between the two federations ever since.

In his professional career, Silvio has been dedicated to promoting projects for the preservation of architectural heritage in mountain areas in Georgia.