UIAA and DAV collaborate on safety video project

Featured, Germany, Membership, Mountaineering, Safety, Training

The UIAA and the German Alpine Club (DAV) have teamed up to produce a series of ten videos designed to help improve climber’s belay technique. Originally produced by the DAV, the videos have recently been translated into English following collaboration with the UIAA Safety Commission and UIAA Training Panel.

The principal focus is different belaying techniques and the instructor in the video is Christoph Hummel, a member of both the DAV safety research department and the UIAA Safety Commission, who spearheaded the initiative.

“This project is the fruit of excellent collaboration between the UIAA and one of our largest member associations,” explains UIAA Director of Operations Nils Glatthard. “Making these videos available in English and through the UIAA’s international network will help increase awareness and the important messages about safety covered in these features. Furthermore, the project has helped further discussions between a number of Commissions in the UIAA and the DAV about further collaboration.”

The topics covered in the videos are:

How to belay with the Grigr

How to belay with the Click Up

How to belay with the Ergo / ATC Pilot

How to belay with the Fish

How to belay with the Jul²

How to belay with the Smart

Slack rope

Partner Check

How to belay with weight difference

How to handle soft belaying

Alternatively, videos can be viewed from:

DAV website (in German and English)
UIAA website – Skills page (Coming Soon on Climber Safety page)

Update, 17 August 2019

On 17 August, 2019 the UIAA also published the final video from this Series

How to belay with the ATC

Please note that this video comes with the following advisory.

Update, 27 January 2023

A new and general auto belay video has been released:

Photo credit: DAV SiFo