To promote sustainable thinking by inspiring confidence and leadership in women of different ages, contributing to the struggle of gender equality for a more egalitarian world, contributing to the development of a mountain culture and thus encouraging the practice of this activity to inspire the respect for nature.
To be a projection and dissemination platform for the exponents of mountaineering in the world and awakening the fundamental values that make people better human beings, facing the beauties of Mother Earth regardless of whether they are men or women who contribute to the sport, as well as the social, cultural and environmental practices of sustainable mountaineering.
– Raise awareness through mountaineering as a transformative means, to the rights of Women in Latin America and the world, and promoting and executing effective environmental education actions. To empower women through mountain activities and their related branches, improving their living, human, sports and working conditions, in addition to creative actions of education and care of the environment in relation to climate change.
-Generate greater social inclusion (from any level of experience) who are part of female mountaineering and to contribute to their experiences in the consolidation and positioning of female climbers in Bolivia.
– Achieve the partial or total decontamination of solid waste in the main routes of the Huayna Potosí and Chachacomani Mountains in the 2019 management.
– Establish the use of the Popo tube as an integrated and sustainable management tool in the practice of mountaineering, to efficiently specify the principles of DO NOT LEAVE TRAIL and thus be able to minimize the impact of the overloaded tourism of the mountains in question.
– Generate spaces for dialogue among institutions, organizations and athletes regarding the conscious and sustainable management of resources and attractions that Huayna Potosí and Chachacomani have regarding the controlled management of waste and garbage.
– Establish basic guidelines on the proposal of a regulation to help mitigate and control the use and controlled management of mountains in Bolivia.
– Offer courses taught by professionals to improve the safety and knowledge and practice of mountaineering, and above all, to be able to be autonomous in the outings or in working life.
– Write the history of mountaineering achieved by women in Latin America from the beginning of women’s expeditions, with objectives not yet achieved by women, whether they are openings for climbing routes, crossings or new expeditionary routes.
– Specify publications of experiences, through photographic, literary, filmic and audio records.
– To be a reference on mountaineering topics that have a gender perspective.
– Support for the strengthening of women’s organizations and to generate autonomy.
-Continue to support activities in relation to climate change and its mitigation and adaptation, through training, education, film festivals and events focused on the protection of the environment and the mountain.
-Motivate more women to learn technical manoeuvres and vertical work, first aid and to teach them to enjoy mountaineering activities and climbing in Bolivia to promote their autonomy, self-esteem, quality of life and working conditions.
The project has three phases:
First phase: (May – August)
There are currently climbs and walks organised to monitor, record and diagnose the current situation of Huayna Potosí and Chachacomani glaciers, fragile ecosystems, which are vulnerable to the effects of irresponsible mountaineering owing to the high number of visitors.
Agreements and alliances are being made with: Alcaldía El Alto, associations of mountaineers, environmental groups, tourism companies, institutional support and women’s funds for the development of the project.
Second phase: (September – October)
Third Special Program for mountain women 2019. The aim is to integrate Bolivian and mountaineering women and men from across the world in a responsible, sustainable meeting in favour of the protection of the mountain as an example of awareness, reciprocity, social contribution and gender perspective. To promote the good behaviour of visitors in mountain and outdoor environments; highlighting the city of El Alto as an urban axis in potential growth, socializing the importance of caring for our mountains and their vulnerability to climate change, yields to Andean feminine empowerment, showing their strength, culture and convictions under the principles of Andean reciprocity and spirituality; boosting Bolivia to the world to highlight the resources and tourist attractions promoting their sustainable care.
The first inclusive festival will be held in Huayna Ootosí (government authorities, local communities, citizens, construction women, disabled, children and seniors) taking part in ice climbing, rock climbing, walking and scenic visits. In order to raise awareness and evidence of the current situation of glaciers, its contamination and its relationship with water sources.
Subsequently, the glacier school stage begins for participants of the programme, with ascents to Huayna Potosí and Chachacomani, acclimatization activities such as rock climbing in Peñas and in each location preventive signage will be installed with no-trace principles and the use of the popo tube (portable bathroom) during the event.
Third phase: (November)
Bolivian Mountain Film Festival: AdventureFest
Peruvian Inkafest Mountain Film Festival.
• Projection of films about climbing, mountaineering and adventure activities.
• Promotion of sports and adventure tourism activities friendly and committed.
• Environmental socialization for the citizens of La Paz and El Alto, promoting habit changes to reduce the generation of waste and its proper management, reducing the practice of defecating in the open air and its negative effect on the population.
Since its birth in Bolivia, (June 4, 2013) Mountain Woman is implementing inclusive conservation actions in Latin America. During our expeditions we have been able to show the effects that our own mountaineering (including the characteristics of the genre), could affect the mountains that we love so much. For this reason, our volunteers are aware of and committed to the preservation, conservation, education, good behaviour, ensuring the future of the mountain and its communities.
We consider that after six years of learning and experiences the environmental focus of mountain protection is a priority objective of our group, the volunteers are responsible mountaineers and committed to dealing with environmental issues, consecrating mountaineering as a starting point for unify efforts between Local entities, associations, Institutions, Governors, private companies and citizens in general.
The importance of portable bathroom use will be promoted, implemented and socialized. “Popotubo” for use in outdoor activities in Bolivia, both sports and tourism. Taking as pilots the glaciers of Huayna Potosí (in coordination with environmental units of the mayor’s office of El Alto, for the treatment of human excrement and garbage), in the Chachacomani glacier; (in partnership with the parish of Peñas, which intends to manage waste and made composting), in the cities of El Alto and La Paz, through the film festival.
– The use of the “Popo tubo” will be implemented, based on previous experiences of use management and design, taking into account technical aspects of outdoor activities as well as considering the psychological factor of its use in terms of comfort, transport, hygiene, privacy and economy. We think after several experiences we have found a model design for its promotion and diffusion in a friendly way with society.
– Screenings of mountain festivals Aventura Fest (Bolivia) and Inkafest (Guest-Peru) will be made free of charge in public and private spaces, requiring recyclable garbage as input. As: pet bottles, paper in disuse, household appliances, alkaline batteries, ecobrands, etc.
– During the AdventureFest there will be talks with important figures as well as representatives of the Bolivian and Latin American mountain environment.
– “The Bolivia I do not want to show”. This will be the focus of the discussion dedicated to the influential speakers and authorities in decision-making and regulations in Bolivia. The objective is to sensitize the authorities in terms of reducing the environmental burden, ethical code for expeditions and visits to the mountains, waste management generated in tourism and protected areas. Formally requesting that the authorities regulate sports practice of all the visitors and local associations in mountain environments, tourists and athletes.
– Preventive measures will be taken in the future, as a voluntary and equitable agreement, through tourism signage and education on the use of the natural environments of the mountains.
Mujer Montana is compatible with the local administration, as every year it works hand in hand with local authorities and managers, respecting the regulations of each country visited, Promoting social participation and inclusion, through communication mechanisms as well as activists in different regions of South America, have been voluntarily replicating in several locations planting active and committed seeds that generate specific changes, through self-sustainable activities coordinated with local authorities in favour of women’s rights and their relationship with the environment.
In Bolivia, environmental problems are tackled, adapting to current laws (292 tourism law and 755 integral waste management law), addressing mountaineering as a discipline that unites Local Entities, Institutions, governorates, tourism, sports and citizenship, promoting the development of joint strategies with these entities, for activities that minimize pollution and environmental impact, waste management generated in tourism and sports level.
The Construyendo Vidas program in support of the Tourist Management unit and the women’s unit of the municipal government of El Alto, in a voluntary, equitable and reciprocalRef.16 agreement, will jointly carry out the articulation of all the current actors in the management 2019. Through the execution of the third special programmee and film festivals and talks.
Throughout the past six years, Mujer Montaña has encouraged volunteering through self-sustainable local activities that could generate assets in favour of volunteers, promoting their participation in international events to encourage the practice of their own mountaineering. Mujer Montaña is an inspiring source for the opening of other projects and has become a reference platform in Latin America for the support and dissemination of personal and joint ventures by our followers.
The programme building lives in Bolivia will benefit local communities directly and indirectly, benefits that will be lasting and sustainable over time.
Invitation to the Huayna Potosi inclusive festival, through the mayor’s office of El Alto to representatives of government authorities (other mayorships, environmental ministry guides associations, mountain sports clubs, climber cholitas, tourism companies, international allies and activist groups) 40 representatives of different institutions, with the objective of highlighting the current situation of the Huayna Potosí glacier and to socialize in these levels of decision the importance of its decontamination and its relationship with the water resource and public health.
Small vulnerable groups of the population will also be invited. Sixty people (unassisted mothers, construction women, elderly and disabled) so that they have the opportunity to have an approach and experience in the mountains, with the objective of contributing to the growth of personal entertainment of these groups and to arouse interest to support conservation initiatives.
During the third phase of the programme in the film festivals, the aim is to benefit the general public by providing the space for an average of 1,500 people to attend the viewings of the films and talks during the three days of festivals, free of charge, requiring as “reusable trash ticket”; thus encouraging the population to reduce and reuse it. The projections will be made in private and public spaces: schools, cinema, and neighbourhood squares of the city of El Alto. Mass communication and invitation strategies will be used in coordination with the press management of the El Alto mayor’s office.
We will measure these results through: attendance list, testimonials and photographic and audio-visual records.
Indirectly, tourism agencies, guides and local communities will benefit through the implementation of preventive signage in pilot glaciers, this signalling aims to reduce the generation of garbage and infectious waste in said glaciers, contributing to the conservation of the attractions and natural resources and public image of Bolivia.
Likewise, the country will benefit from the future implementation of a specific regulation for the protection of mountain environments and outdoor activities, awaiting media results. 2020 – 2025
In Bolivia Building Lives 2019 articulates a network of alliances for its implementation:
Mujer Montaña and the Mayor’s Office of El Alto are central axes for the management and realization of the annual program. The mayor’s office of El Alto, through the tourism unit as the main institutional actor, internally coordinates with the Women’s Units and the environment and sanitation unit of the municipality of El Alto. Same that under its competences and annual possibilities will be the platform. Institutional as local authorities that supported during the 2019 management Building lives.
The support will be representation for sponsorship application and generation of resources and alliances to support the expeditions of the 3rd Special Program and mountain film festivals, as well as to specify press agendas and communication strategies, permits to use public areas in El Alto, management logistics and treatment of garbage generated and / or collected during events.
The support platform of the mayor of El Alto is motivated by the commitment to promote the protection of the natural resources of the municipality and taking into account that the activities of Mujer Montaña will benefit the citizens of this growing metropolis.
Through the invitation from the mayor of El Alto and its competent units; the first internal coordination and alliances meeting will be convened (Tuesday, July 2) at the offices of said institution; the local actors of the Huayna Potosí region (leaders of the communities of Milluni and Zongo) and representatives of institutions and associations involved in the sector will be taken into account. (Associations of mountain guides, sports clubs, climbing cholitas, travel agencies associations, allied activist groups, institutions that work in the sector as NGOs and representatives of our current allies), in the case of the Chachacomani glacier will be invited to the same meeting to the representatives of the Peñas Parish and the community representatives; with the aim of engaging coordinations for the realization of the events of the 3rd Special Program and the film festivals.
A network of alliances, economic support, service exchanges and technical advice with other external entities are also articulated, such as the apthapi jopueti women’s fund, JICA Bolivia’s Japanese cooperation, – Aventura Academy, Peñas Parish, Andean Secrets alternative tourism, Quimbaya tours, New horizont, Bunkie hostel, Topaz Hostel, El Muro Climbing Center, Climate reaction.
The communication strategy of Women Mountain in Latin America has been efficiently led by Griselda Moreno, photographer communicator and athlete recognized worldwide. She is also a founder of Woman Mountain who provides a broad range of communication coverage at various levels.
The communication strategy of the events in Bolivia 2019, is supported by the press management platform of the Mayor of El Alto, which has great reach and free access to local and national social media, and is the institution to which we adhere onwards for all dissemination and press agenda.
Emphasis will be placed on the 3rd Special Programme and the subsequent film festivals. For the 3rd Special Program; there will be 3 communicational stages: call, realization of the event with closure and its subsequent dissemination of results in the press.
For the film festivals there will be another subsequent communication campaign that will have three phases: Open invitation, coverage of the same and report on social networks and institutional web pages.
For the cinema festival, a press agenda will be made in television, radio and social media, to socialize the open invitation. During the festival, press media will be invited for coverage; Subsequently, the results will be published by social networks and allies.
For the discussion “The Bolivia I do not want to show” will be by formal invitation by the mayor of the high, event closed but the press will be invited for coverage.
The UIAA is for us a very important platform worldwide because it is an honor to be part of it, because its guidelines inspire us to follow ethical guidelines that Mujer Montaña intends to adopt in its internal mystique.
As the UIAA is a prestigious institution of great importance and global importance, the socialization of our activities through its platform would provide us with an invaluable institutional support that successfully catapults the principles, values and activities that we share worldwide.

To discover more about the UIAA Mountain Protection Award please click here.
Please note that the content published in this article is courtesy of the Award nominee. The UIAA has made minor revisions to the original submission.