What is Doping?

The UIAA is committed to promoting clean climbing and the fight against doping. The information on this page provides athletes competing in UIAA-sanctioned competitions with the latest WADA guidelines and information concerning doping procedures, rules and regulations. For details on the UIAA Anti-Doping Commission and their work please visit the dedicated page.


Athlete Rights

  1. Have a representative and if available, an interpreter.
  2. Ask for additional information about the Sample collection process.
  3. Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station for valid reasons (as determined by the Doping Control Officer).
  4. If you are an athlete with an impairment, request modifications to the Sample collection procedure.

Athlete Responsibilities

  1. Remain within direct observation of the DCO/Chaperone at all times from the point initial contact is made.
  2. by the DCO/Chaperone until the completion of the Sample collection procedure.
  3. Produce appropriate identification.
  4. Comply with Sample collection procedures – failure to do so may constitute an Anti- Doping Rule Violation.
  5. Report immediately for Sample collection, unless there are valid reasons. for a delay


Please refer to the related pages for information on the UIAA’s commitment to clean climbing.


Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs)


Anti-Doping Commission