In January 1969, fifty years ago this month, the 33rd UIAA Bulletin opened with a message confirming that the tenure of President Dr Edouard Wyss-Durant had come to an end. Durant resigned from his position during the federation’s General Assembly held late 1968 in London.
The Bulletin revealed that the UIAA was active in lobbying against the construction of téléphériques in the Alpes, forcing local authorities into dialogue.
The UIAA Safety Commission reported extensively from its October meeting, held at the DAV’s headquarters. For the first time the Commission, led by President Pierre Henry, welcomed delegates from Peru and Russia. During these formative years for the UIAA Safety Label and UIAA Safety Standards, the Commission reported progress on its research on ropes (including rope lengths, impact of cold weather, ageing), helmets, wooden walking poles, pitons and crampons.
At the start of 1969, the UIAA counted 35 members in 31 countries. 19 of these federations retain a connection with the UIAA today.
The Bulletin was published in German with extracts translated into French.