The UIAA Safety Commission continues to deliver projects crucial to the safety of climbers and mountaineers worldwide. In recent years this has included the release of a position paper and research on avalanche transceivers as well as its significant commitment to addressing the subject of bolting and rock anchors.
The year 2025 is a significant one for SafeCom as it marks the 50-year anniversary of its creation as a UIAA Commission. That was in 1975 – previously the UIAA’s work in safety was managed by the now defunct Rope Commission.
At its first meeting in 2025, SafeCom discussed plans for to mark its 50 years as well as reporting on progress of its priorities for the near future.
Public Conferences in Chamonix
From 13-17 April, SafeCom will host its 50-year celebrations in Chamonix, France, the very location it was formed and where the UIAA itself was conceived in 1932.
The event programme includes SafeCom internal and plenary meetings, working group meetings, a re(bolting) workshop as well as other events to be organised with co-hosts FFCAM (la Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne) and ENSA (National School of Skiing and Mountaineering). Further information on how various stakeholders and the general public will be involved will be communicated in due course. The draft programme can be found here.
These events will provide valuable information and discussions on outdoor safety, climbing standards, and environmental concerns. To accommodate international attendees, live translation services from French to English will be provided.
Mountain Voices podcast episode on Bolting
An upcoming episode of the UIAA podcast Mountain Voices will focus on subject of bolting, drawing in expertise from the UIAA Safety Commission, rebolting projects and the perspective of international climbers. The podcast will shine a spotlight on the research conducted on this subject, important messages for both bolters and climbers and the wealth of material now available on the subject. Subscribe to the Mountain Voices podcast on your preferred platform to receive the episode as soon as it is available.
New Standard: Via Ferrata Construction
The draft for a Via Ferrata construction standard has been finalised with input from a dedicated working group. All suggestions received regarding this draft from UIAA member federations with a vested interest in via ferratas will be presented at an upcoming meeting. A date will then be set for the release of the new standard.
Revised Standard: Static Ropes
The working group aims to have a draft of the new static rope standard ready for review in March, with a goal to vote on it in April. Further discussion is needed regarding the lack of approved ‘thin’ ropes, which may hinder the design of compatible devices. The current market includes ropes as thin as 6mms and up to 10-11mms for static use.
Revised Standard: Harnesses
Meetings will take place in the spring to assess aging tests and results related to harnesses. This may lead to the publishing of some guidelines or recommendations to support the existing standards.
For more information on the UIAA & climber safety click here.