The following communication was provided by UIAA full member, FEDME –Federación Española De Deportes De Montaña Y Escalada, on 7 April.

Representing the Spanish Autonomous Federations and clubs, we stand in solidarity with the dramatic situation that our country is experiencing and show our love and absolute support for the families of the victims and the sick people. At the same time, we want to convey our thanks and appreciation for the effort and dedication of all the people who are fighting to eradicate this terrible pandemic.

We are in permanent contact with our sports authorities supporting their decisions, and working intensively with the organizers of the activities and events that have been affected, with the aim of managing the reorganization of our competition and activity calendars. Therefore, the objective of the Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada is that every mountaineer stay safe and stay at home. Mountains can wait, the best option to eradicate this pandemic is to be patient and stay at home.

We are aware that due to the exceptional nature of the situation, it is difficult to predict what will happen in the coming months, what measures the government will take and how the pandemic will evolve. However, as the dates become more specific, we will periodically publish the news on our official channels: Fedme.es | canalfedme.es | Facebook @ fedme.es | Twitter @fedme_es | Instagram @instafedme  

Our hope, like that of all sports and mountain lovers, is that this situation will pass as soon as possible, recover normality and go out for a walk, run, compete and enjoy the mountains again.

Meanwhile, to continue to be close to all its members, FEDME joins the actions of #quedateencasa #stayathome and we propose a whole series of activities. FEDME has offered with no cost all the online courses from Escuela Española de Alta Montaña (Spanish High Mountain School) and also has promote a lot of content on the social media in order to make all these days at home more comfortable and nice.

Health, #stayathome and #dreammountains
Salud, #quedateencasa y #sueñamontañas