On 30 March, Lindsay Smith, President of the New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC) wrote the following letter to members.

As well as encouraging members to continue observing guidelines from authorities –

Since 1891, the New Zealand Alpine Club has been part of our members’ lives as they faced earlier pandemics, world wars, financial crises and now it’s our turn to show what we are made of. As Facebook memes keep reminding us, earlier generations worked hard to face the challenges of illness and war and all we are being asked to do is wash our hands and sit on the couch; I know it’s going to be difficult for individuals who are usually so active but I’m sure we can do that, and each play our part supporting the efforts of essential and front line workers.

– the letter also dealt with the subjects of Board meetings, member subscriptions, the Banff Film Festival and Climber Magazine. On this latter subject, the NZAC has made the latest version available online as a pdf. Smith writes: “While you may be stuck inside, this will be a great opportunity to read what others have been up to and at least begin planning your next climb for later in the year.”

For more about the New Zealand Alpine Club please click here.