On 9 November, the UIAA took part in a panel discussion at Sport Accord’s International Federation Forum (IF) in Lausanne, Switzerland discussing the relationship between sport and biodiversity and the role of the sporting community.
The theme of the three day conference was the International Federations’ Impact In Leading The Way To Towards A Sustainability Agenda. The IF Forum programme is a collaboration between the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Global Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF), the Association of Summer International Federations (ASOIF), the Association of Winter Olympic Federations (AIOWF), the Association of the IOC Recognized International Sports Federations (ARISF), AIMS (Alliance of Independent Members of SportAccord) and Associate Members.
Gloria Scarano, UIAA Mountain Protection Coordinator, presented ‘Protecting mountain environments’ and highlighted the UIAA’s initiatives at the forefront of mountain protection. This included an overview of the 2017 Mountain Protection Award and the Respect the Mountains series and how the UIAA works on a practical, educational and collaborative level with its partners to promote sustainable mountain practices while engaging mountain users and communities in this process.

She was joined by David Stubbs, Sustainability Expert ‘Integrating biodiversity into sports’; Antony Scanlon, Executive Director, IGF – International Golf Federation ‘Sustainable golf courses’; Sabrina lbähez, Secretary General – FEI International Equestrian Federation ‘Sustainable infrastructure’ and Matt Smith, Executive Director and Secretary’ General. FISA – World Rowing Federation ‘Partners for Clean Water’.
IF Sustainability Case Studies
To mark the occasion, a dedicated document was produced by the IOC highlighting sustainability case studies by International Federations. Its introduction read:
The world faces significant challenges across a wide spectrum of economic, social and environmental matters.
The Olympic Movement has both an opportunity and a duty to actively contribute to the global sustainability debate in line with its vision of “Building a better world through sport”. With this in mind, and in response to recommendation 5 of Olympic Agenda 2020 (“Include sustainability within the Olympic Movement’s daily operations”), the IOC conducted the International Federations (IF) Sustainability Project in 2016. This allowed the IOC to obtain an overview of IFs’ sustainability initiatives; identify common topics, good practices and mutual challenges; and share information.

One of the Project’s outcomes was a series of case studies, illustrating how IFs are actively contributing towards a more sustainable world. As part of the IOC’s objective to profile the role of the Olympic Movement in sustainability through the aggregation of information and collective reporting, it was agreed that the identification and sharing of IF sustainability case studies should be continued. These case studies form part of the enhanced support system provided to the Olympic Movement through the IOC Sustainability Strategy.
Each case study is aligned with one or more of the IOC’s five sustainability focus areas: infrastructure & natural sites; sourcing & resource management; mobility; workforce; and climate. The studies are also aligned with one or more of the United Nations’ (UN) framework of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The UIAA was the subject of two case studies (one of only two federations to do so). They were dedicated to the federation’s core projects in mountain protection – Respect the Mountains and the Mountain Protection Award. The UIAA supported the IOC in the development of these two case studies which can viewed below.
IF Sustainability Case Study: Mountain Protection Award
IF Sustainability Case Study: Respect the Mountains
Further Reading:
Event Programme
All photos by Robert Hradil/Getty Images for SportAccord