Peter Muir from the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) was today elected as the new President of the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation.
Muir, elected during the federation’s first ever online General Assembly, becomes the UIAA’s 14th President (including two Acting Presidents) and the second from Canada.
Muir succeeds Frits Vrijlandt, Royal Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Club (NKBV), Netherlands as UIAA President. Vrijlandt’s second and, as defined in the UIAA Articles of Association, final four-year term came to an end at this year’s General Assembly.

Executive Board
Muir will lead an Executive Board comprised of:
Lode Beckers, Belgium (elected in 2019), Climbing & Mountaineering Belgium
Zoljargal Banzragch, Mongolia (elected in 2019), Mongolian National Climbing Federation
Amit Chowdhury, India (elected in 2020), Indian Mountaineering Foundation
Mahmood Hashemi, Iran (elected in 2019), I.R. Iran Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Federation
Martin Lascano, Argentina (elected in 2020), Federaciòn Argentina de Ski y Andinismo
Françoise Jaquet, Switzerland (elected in 2020), Swiss Alpine Club
Management Committee
The following nominees were elected to the UIAA Management Committee by the General Assembly:
Anne Arran (re-election), United Kingdom, British Mountaineering Council, Continental Representation: Europe
Kul Bahadur Gurung, Nepal, Nepal Mountaineering Association, General Representation
Steve Long, United Kingdom, British Mountaineering Council, General Representation
Jean Miczka, France, Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne, Largest Federation Representation
Greg Moseley (re-election), South Africa, Mountain Club of South Africa, Continental Representation: Africa
Phil Powers, United States, American Alpine Club, Continental Representation: North America
Stein Tronstad, Norway, The Norwegian Climbing Federation, General Representation
The UIAA thanks Frits Vrijlandt and outgoing Executive Board members Helène Denis (FFCAM, France) and Yongfeng Wang (CMA, China) as well as Management Committee members Georges Elzière (FFCAM, France), Juan Garrigos i Toro (FEDME, Spain) and Reza Zarei (IMSCF, Iran) for their longstanding commitment and dedication to the UIAA. A more detailed review of the GA, including quotes from the new and outgoing President, will be published in due course.
Member Association Elections
The UIAA General Assembly elected four new member associations during the General Assembly. They are:
Full Members
Mexico: Federación Mexicana de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada A.C
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Climbing & Hiking Federation
Associate Member
Azerbaijan: Mountain Club of Western Caspian University, Azerbaijan
Observer Member
International: International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR)
Changes of Membership
Costarican Federation of Mountain Sports (FECODEM) is now elected as a Full Member, formerly an Observer Member
National Adventure Association of Malaysia is now elected as a Full Member, formerly an Observer Member
Honorary Membership
Following a nomination put forward by the British Mountaineering Council (BMC), legendary mountaineer Doug Scott, a former member of the UIAA Management Committee and various UIAA Commissions, was awarded Honorary Membership of the UIAA.
The 2021 General Assembly is scheduled to take place in Trabzon, Turkey on 23 October.
A full review of the UIAA General Assembly will be published on Wednesday 28 October.