Visiting mountain huts in Italy, France, Switzerland

Featured, France, Italy, Switzerland, UIAA

As a growing number of people are looking to spend time in the Alps over the coming weeks, the UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – is providing an overview of visiting huts in France, Italy and Switzerland.


Since 2 June, mountain huts have gradually starting reopening and in accordance with the general health protocol set out for each building which takes into account its specific structure.

The UIAA full member association in France, Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne (FFCAM), has provided a number of resources related to hut protocol including a video and illustrative flyers.

These following practices concern all stages of a hut/refuge stay:

Pre-arrival: Check the latest health recommendations, book a place in a hut, sign the individual waiver, bring your own equipment;
On arrival: wash your hands, respect the principle of distancing;
During your stay: support the guardians in the smooth running of huts;
On the descent: bring down your waste, immediately inform the hut guardians if you fall sick.

FFCAM Video Guide

The following resource provides an overview of the huts currently open in France and how to book.


The Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) has produced a flyer offering similar advice to that of FFCAM and the SAC.

The following general rules apply:

  • Pre-booking is mandatory
  • Ensure you are in good health (your temperature must not be above 37,5 degrees celsuis).
  • Do no enter the hut until invited to do so
  • Consume food and drink, weather permitting, outside of the hut
  • Leave any backpacks and equipment in designated places
  • Ensure you have the necessary protective equipment (masks, santisisers)
  • Bring your own bedding and sleeping bag
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Take all waste with you

CAI’s database of mountain huts in Italy can be found here.


Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), UIAA full member, operates a significant number of huts across Switzerland.

Each SAC hut implements protective measures differently – adapted to the corresponding requirements and infrastructure of the respective hut. This means that the same rules do not apply everywhere. Please inform yourselves about about their rules and regulations before visiting the relevant SAC hut.

The following apply to every hut:

  • Only visit our huts if you are in good health
  • No overnight stay is possible without a reservation
  • Bring your own sleeping bag, pillow case, disinfectant, soap, towel and protective masks (this is not mandatory). Please note some SAC huts have duvets and blankets removed and you must take your own sleeping bag with you. Please contact the corresponding SAC hut before you stay overnight
  • Take any waste/garbage back to your base

To book your stay in shelters and for information on the situation in different huts please click here. For full information on the SAC’s huts and response to Covid-19 please click here.

Further Information provided by the UIAA
UIAA & Covid-19 resources
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